Todd's younger sister, Laura and her fiance Mike were married this past weekend. Laura had all of the kids be part of the ceremony. They matched up perfectly for everyone to walk down the isle together. The ceremony, I hear, was very nice. You see I was inside trying to get Marcella to stop crying the whole time! Unfortunately the ceremony was at 2:00pm, Marcella's nap time...need I say more? Yes, actually it's a pretty funny story. Soooo, Marcella and her cousin just 7 months younger, Austin were paired together. Of course you see, it's his nap time too. Everyone it seems but me wants the line of nephews and nieces to be youngest to oldest, tooo cute, right?! I was just thinking it might be easier to get Marcella and Austin to walk down an isle of strangers if they saw some of the older kids do it first. I was over ruled. Well, well, Marcella was already grumpy from pictures, but we showed her the great basket full of petals that was hers to carry down the isle. That made her sooo happy, to have her very own basket of flowers! Well, the time came for Austin and Marcella to make their debue...Austin had his own basket of petals to keep him happy as well. Well, Austin was not happy about walking anywhere without his mom, so Brittany picked him up once he started to cry. Austin still not happy, chucks his basket on the ground spilling flower petals everywhere! Well, Marcella's quite concerned about Austin, but more so that he's spilled his petals everywhere. Instead of walking down the isle, Marcella wants to pick up Austin's petals. So Brittany takes off with Austin leaving Marcella to Todd. Todd tries to pick up Marcella and haul her down the isle in his arms. This makes Marcella even more mad so she follows suit and chucks her basket to the ground crying the whole way down the isle. I finally relieved Todd of Marcella once we realized that calming her down outside wasn't going to work. I took her inside, got her to stop crying, but every time we went outside to join everyone else, there were those poor petals all over the ground and isle so Marcella would start crying all over again. Does anyone know how to explain to a 2 year old that the petals were suppose to be on the ground?
The rest of the afternoon and evening was very nice. Laura was a beautiful bride and Mike a handsome groom. Laura and Mike are just perfect for each other.

My Beautiful girls

Payton and Audrey

Dylan and Olivia
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