This same day we got news that Todd's sister was going to hospital to be induced with her first baby. Her due date was October 7, but she developed Toxemia. So baby Michael Scott arrived weighing in at 6 lbs 5 ozs. I can't believe how tiny he is and what a monster Rylee looks laying next to him! This picture was just taken last night.

And last but not least, that same September 30th, I chopped off my hair. I was sick of it, plus I am loosing TONS of hair since Rylee was born. NO JOKE, I'm getting very thin areas of hair that are on the verge of baldness. It's horrible. So what do you think?
I'm not so sure about it. I went to this way expensive place that specializes in cutting naturally curly hair-it's called a Deva cut. I don't see too much of a difference, but maybe it'll grow out better or something. I may call today and have the gal fix it...it's longer on the right than the left. Can yo tell or is it just me being extra picky? Plus she cut these bang things that I'm not thrilled about. They don't blend at all, and I really didn't want bangs. As you can see, I just push them back. I think I may be the pickiest hair snob. But hey, if I'm paying $65.00 for a hair cut, I want to be happy!!

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