This year Aunt Laura and our neighbor Tori and her Mom came trick or treating with us. We had so much fun walking around our new neighborhood! Marcella was so funny! At first she didn't quite get the whole idea of it, but she sure caught on quick! By about the 3rd or 4th house she was jumping out of the wagon and running to the next door as quick as her little legs would go. She even tried her best to say trick or treat and she always followed her sisters examples and said thank you!

Emily decided to be Sleeping Beauty for trick or treat night. She didn't like how itchy the clown wig was. Thank goodness for good weather. They had been predicting rain, but it turned out to be clear and cold. Everyone stayed pretty warm, just little hands got cold.

Trick or Treat! My costume was an orange sweater and STRAIGHT hair!

Marcella sure did button up once we sat her down in her highchair with a lollipop and Twix bar!

Olivia and Tori counting out their candy. Tori counted over 150 pieces and Olivia organized and wrote down how much of everything she got. She's not her accountant father's daughter! =)

Emily just sorted all of her candy. She loved putting everything in the right piles. It sure was a good haul this year!